
EYE-LAW CHAMBERS are pleased to offer a limited number of 3 month mini-fellowships to appropriate individuals interested in obtaining a better understanding of the work of an Expert. Interest should be addressed to the Head of Chambers.

Our first mini-fellow is Lisa Nasselevitch LLB Hons, who was a Bar student at City University and has now graduated BPTC. She commenced her fellowship in November 2020.

At the end of her Mini-Fellowship, Lisa wrote:

My Mini-Fellowship was from 1st November 2020 to 31st January 2021 and so of course was impacted by the COVID pandemic. I still felt welcomed and supported with immediate responses to emails when I asked. I felt that I received a large number of emails allowing me to read about a wide range of issues. I would have appreciated coming at Eye Law Chambers offices at some point, but that was not possible due to the pandemic and not something that was within Professor Claoué’s control.

Professor Claoué had shared an agreed agenda for our weekly tutorial sessions at the very beginning of the Mini-Fellowship, which was a helpful document I referred to throughout the work experience. It was made clear to me when I would be required to undertake preparatory work for our sessions, this was also helpful. The sessions covered all topics relating to the role of an Expert Witness and relevant legal considerations. I did not get overwhelmed by the amount of information as the sessions were focused on one topic at a time and were quite concise. I believe that the sessions’ format was effective and would suggest not to change it in the future. I am very satisfied with what I have been taught and the way I have been taught. I notably appreciated that Professor Claoué would always give me the opportunity to ask questions in case something was unclear to me. Giving me the lead of our last session is something that I would suggest is continued in the future.

I appreciated the opportunity to observe a remote case conference and I thank Professor Claoué for organising this. I would have been grateful for the opportunity to attend more case conferences but understand that the occasion did not present itself and the exceptional circumstances related to the pandemic influenced this as well.

I was sent a good number of reports which got me into the habit of reading and understanding reports quickly. This is an important skill for my future practice which this experience has helped me develop.

This was a very positive and enjoyable experience for me regarding all aspects. As such, I do not have any significant suggestion to make. While my experience took place during the pandemic which greatly limited our opportunities, future Mini-Fellowships will hopefully take place in quieter times. When that is the case, any opportunity to come at the office, attend in-person meetings/conferences with lawyers, and shadow Experts at Court, will be invaluable.

Overall, this was not an experience that was too time-consuming. It would be possible to undertake a Mini-Fellowship alongside other activities (part-time employment, volunteering, Bar Course…) as long as it’s not full-time employment, in my opinion. Future applicants should be made aware of this so as not to be deterred from applying by thinking that they would not have the time to take part in a Mini-Fellowship due to other commitments.
